Business Health Analysis
The More You Know, The Better Your Results
Cambaliza McGee LLP’s expertise extends far beyond the tax preparation and financial statements. We use a long-cultivated and highly-customized process to evaluate the overall financial health of our clients’ businesses. After analyzing the business income and expenses from year-over-year, we then meet with our clients, share our findings and offer recommendations. From there, we identify trends and evaluate the business’ performance, and areas for improvement. Often, this exercise alone will drive business owners and decision-makers to take a closer look and improve their operation and various internal controls.
For over two decades, we have assisted clients throughout the entire lifespan of their businesses—from the exciting, capital-intensive, and often frightening, start-up phase—all the way through the exit planning phase, business valuation, and an ultimate sale.
The early phases of business formation require some of the most important business decisions that have a long-lasting impact. From selecting the type of business entity—to monitoring cash flow—to developing short term and long term growth plans, we help business owners strategically develop and implement plans that secure their vision and build a legacy.