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Together as One Cambaliza McGee LLP is a Member of the Alliott Global Alliance of independent professional firms.

CM Blog

File a Superseded Return if the Filing Deadline Hasn’t Passed

File a Superseded Return if the Filing Deadline Hasn’t Passed

September 05, 2020

So, what if you just filed a tax return and then discovered a mistake the very next day?  If the filing deadline, including extensions, hasn't passed, then you don't want to file an amended return. Instead, you can file what's called a "superseding return." Basically, if you file a second return before the filing deadline, the second return "supersedes" the first return and is treated as the original return.

2020 Payroll Tax Deferral Order

2020 Payroll Tax Deferral Order

September 01, 2020


President Issues Executive Order Deferring Payroll Taxes Beginning September 1, 2020 

As the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic continues to surge in multiple regions of the United States, the economy continues to flounder. While some economic recovery has occurred in the aftermath of large shutdowns in the spring, job losses continue to mount while state and local governments struggle with increased costs from battling outbreaks and reduced tax revenue. 

Successfully Navigating California’s Complex Tax Rules and Regulations

Successfully Navigating California’s Complex Tax Rules and Regulations

May 18, 2020

It’s no secret that the rules and regulations behind California’s tax systems can be extremely complex. When it comes to successful tax planning, it is important to make sure you’re setting yourself up for success when it comes to tax preparation in Orange County.

SECURE ACT—Impact on Inherited Retirement Accounts

SECURE ACT—Impact on Inherited Retirement Accounts

April 13, 2020

The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act (the SECURE Act), which was enacted on December 20, 2019 (H.R. 1994), makes sweeping changes to the rules governing retirement plans.